Hello my dear reader, it’s me, Will. You may be asking yourself, “what the heck?! It’s not Tuesday! It’s not even Monday or Wednesday!!” Well, I come to you today on the first of September with a proposition…a call to action of sorts.
I’ve been doing this weekly Substack for almost two years. 88 essays in and we’re still going strong. In addition to that, my 31st birthday is 13 days away. As of today, Will’s Dumb Brain is sitting at 181 subscribers. That’s great and I’m very proud, but I also want more MORE MORE!!!
SO! I’m going to be doing a charity raffle of sorts. For the next thirteen days, anyone who subscribes to my Substack will have their name entered into a raffle, and at the end of the thirteen days, I will donate a number of dollars equal to my total subscribers to the charity of the winner’s choice, in their name!
You might be thinking, “but Will, I’ve been reading your dumb brain since the beginning, what about me?!” Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you! If you’re already a subscriber and you share my Substack on any platform AND tag me (so I can keep track of who has and hasn’t heeded my call) (or just let me know where you shared it, I’ll trust you, I guess) you’ll be entered to choose the charity.
My goal right now is to get to 200 subs and donate $200 but I’d be over the moon to get to 250 or 300! Hell, It’d be the best $10,000 I ever spent if somehow we got up into the stratosphere but for now, let’s just get 19 more subs!
I hope you have a great holiday weekend!
I understand little of this, starting with the word Substack. But I'll do my best. #OkBoomer
Love it!