Boy, a lot has changed in two years. In the 104 weeks since I started writing this here little blog, we got a new president, the Dodgers flamed out of the playoffs in two distinct, yet similarly crushing ways, and a different billionaire became the world’s biggest and most hated dumbass. For two years, every single Tuesday, there was one thing you could count on and that was a new Will’s Dumb Brain. Through bouts of Covid, back injuries, and moving days, there wasn’t a single Tuesday that went by without an essay arriving in your inbox around 4 pm PST. I try not to brag on here because, it makes me feel all icky and weird, but today, I’m feeling awfully proud of myself for that Cal Ripken Jr. level of consistency. So now that two years have passed, and we’re all still here and kicking as much ass as we can, how do we celebrate? Well, I have a little idea that I’d like your help with, dear reader!
For my 100th essay, I did a raffle where I gave away a chunk of my own money to the charity of the winner’s choice in exchange for subscribing and sharing my dumb brain. It was a massive success as we got our subscriber count well up over 200 and it has been great to see that number continue to slowly tick up. I’m not done, however. I’d LOVE to see that subscriber count get up to 250 and I have a plan to lure you into helping me once again.
As I’ve said to anybody who asks me, writing these essays has never been the hard part for me. I just kinda sit down and let my brain leak out through my ears and after a bit of time, all of the random thoughts and bad jokes congeal into the rough draft of an essay. I give it some time, come back to it later and edit it into the weekly word soup you brilliant consumers, well, consume. No, the hardest part for me has always been coming up with topics. That’s where you come in.
I’m doing another subscriber drive raffle and this time the prize is getting to steer my strange and fickle mind in whatever direction you see fit. If you are kind enough to share my substack on any social media platform or if you subscribe for the first time, you’ll be entered into the raffle. At the end of two weeks, I’ll randomly generate two winners off that list and those winners will each get to pick the topic for a Will’s Dumb Brain. Ever wanted me to write about ducks? Ever wanted me to write about Martin Luther and the 95 Theses? Ever wanted me to write about how great and handsome and brilliant you are? Well, this is your chance! Additionally, I’ll put your name as the creator of the topic right at the top of the essay (unless of course you give me a joke topic like Vore or something [if you don’t know what that is, google at your own risk] and don’t want your name attached to it, that’s cool too).
So, thank you all for the wonderful two years of likes, comments, and subscriptions, and here’s to two more!
Also if you share a post, make sure to tag me or DM me so I know to enter you into the raffle!
This is a wonderful idea and I am going to pass it along (as I have every week in my own [admittedly much easier] attempt at Cal Ripken consistency) to my tiny community of followers. Not because I want to win a raffle, but because I am a huge fan of your wonderful work! Just in case you didn't know that.