I think I had a cup of coffee once. I don't remember how it was. Instead, I rely on anger. (After all, if you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.)
It's a relief to read ANYTHING that is not political. I'm on decaf now, because I get too jittery on caffeine. But I still love the taste and smell of a lovely decaf triple ristretto espresso with half and half.
For years my coffee routine had always depended on my previous night's activities. Now it depends on many cups it takes me to stop yawning. The average is currently three.
Do NOT start drinking a 3rd cup! That way lies madness. And 3 AM caffeine induced insomnia. Plus, if at some point you decide you want to stop, it's an open invitation to caffeine withdrawal headaches. I know, because I tried to kick in the middle of a season of televisoin and an entire writing staff rose up in open rebellion, telling me if I wanted to quit, I could do it during hiatus so I was only making myself and my wife miserable and not 9 other people. Two a day sounds like a perfect Goldilocks number. And by the way, great mislead with the opening!
I realized I don't like the taste of coffee. So I get a quad espresso, divide it over two days, don't have my fix until 1:00 to delay my gratification, and gulp the daily dose down.. And my afternoons now have me a whole differetn person -- full of plans and energy -- until 5:00 when life becomes bleak again.
If I could, and survive, I’d drink coffee all day long! I love the process of grinding the beans, watching it brew, the wonderful aroma and that first cup of deliciousness. I just love it! But I’d probably become a road rage serial killer so I’ll stick with one giant mug in the morning.
I think I had a cup of coffee once. I don't remember how it was. Instead, I rely on anger. (After all, if you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.)
2 or three cups every morning
Any more in the afternoon? You must have the heartbeat of a hummingbird.
Usually not. Resting heart rate is normally under 60
It's true. Not only does she run on fury, she's even funnier when she's really pissed.
Awww, thank you! XO
Not opposed to a second cup, but anything past 3-4pm and I'm wired when trying to fall asleep later that night - not ideal.
It's a relief to read ANYTHING that is not political. I'm on decaf now, because I get too jittery on caffeine. But I still love the taste and smell of a lovely decaf triple ristretto espresso with half and half.
For years my coffee routine had always depended on my previous night's activities. Now it depends on many cups it takes me to stop yawning. The average is currently three.
Do NOT start drinking a 3rd cup! That way lies madness. And 3 AM caffeine induced insomnia. Plus, if at some point you decide you want to stop, it's an open invitation to caffeine withdrawal headaches. I know, because I tried to kick in the middle of a season of televisoin and an entire writing staff rose up in open rebellion, telling me if I wanted to quit, I could do it during hiatus so I was only making myself and my wife miserable and not 9 other people. Two a day sounds like a perfect Goldilocks number. And by the way, great mislead with the opening!
I realized I don't like the taste of coffee. So I get a quad espresso, divide it over two days, don't have my fix until 1:00 to delay my gratification, and gulp the daily dose down.. And my afternoons now have me a whole differetn person -- full of plans and energy -- until 5:00 when life becomes bleak again.
If I could, and survive, I’d drink coffee all day long! I love the process of grinding the beans, watching it brew, the wonderful aroma and that first cup of deliciousness. I just love it! But I’d probably become a road rage serial killer so I’ll stick with one giant mug in the morning.