Jun 9, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

OUR fries

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Jun 8, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

can I have some of your nachos?

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Jun 9, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

Clearly, the zombie apocalypse movie is not the proper model for dealing with the post-apocalyptic world. Maybe Dorthy's return to Kansas is the paradigm (or paradox)?

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Jun 9, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

To still mask or not, that is the question. You enter a store or a restaurant and some people are masked. You're vaccinated, what do you do? My solution is to find one of those Plexiglas dividers to hide behind.

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Jun 9, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

People don’t realize that I’m actually shy and a bit of a hermit so the Pandemic was a relief for me - as much as I DO love seeing my friends. I’m not a big germaphobe so sharing food and hugs (a few people at a time don’t overwhelm me!) is something I’m really enjoying again!!

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Jun 9, 2021Liked by Will Peterman

The hugging thing. I don't mind leaving handshakes behind. It's a weird social practice that, legend says, sprang from the attempt to show you didn't have a weapon. I've even read that the up and down motion was meant to dislodge hidden weapons from your sleeve. I've found that in most meetings I've had in LA the weapons tend to be insincere smiles and notes that hurt my script. So I'm happy to air kiss the handclasp away. But hugs are different. I come from a family of huggers. I missed hugging. My first instinct now that I'm spending time with double vaxxed friends is to hug, but I have to remember to check with them to see if they're comfortable with it. Also with me taking a french fry. It's going to be a while before I'm slurping somebody else's Mai Tai.

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Well, said, dear Will!

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