When I was in a 20-day Covid quarantine I survived by watching the severe storms and tornadoes on The Weather Channel. Couch-based storm chaser! Feel better Will!

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My dad would have been right there with you, Bruce. I’m so glad he lived long enough to see 24 hour weather. It was heaven for him.

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Ooo that's a fun one. During the Hurricane we had last year I got really into some storm chasing youtube channels that were a blast.

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The adage was "always starve a cold and feed a fever" so I claim to have a fever even if I'm 98.6.

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I think that adage is insane! You always need fuel to fight an illness!

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or 5 seasons of Sex and the City...

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Lying in bed watching old sit-com re-runs (your dad once made the funniest Our Miss Brooks reference ever, btw!) was the best as a kid in elementary school...until Jeopardy came on and I felt like they were speaking another language, a better excuse than I was just a moron. Once I became a parent, I wasn't allowed to be sick. Side note: I volunteered in the high school College Center for 6 years. That included proctoring the AP Exams. Sooooo fun. And also, counting the booklets, being sure to pack them up exactly how the AP folks wanted it done (endless, tedious rules). I don't miss that.

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What Our Miss Brooks reference was that? And wow, I think the shelf life has expired.

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May 29Edited

Good jokes never expire. But without the visual, it doesn't re-tell well. It involved a camera shot before film rolled, a black-and-white audience monitor, and CB at her desk with her hair in a ponytail. One of those lines that was so left-field and right on the money that it was unforgettable...for me at least.

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God bless you, Korby Siamis-Janousek

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The packets and the scantrons and the scratch paper and on and on and on! It's so annoying! Glad someone else can relate!

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Which playoff games did you watch?

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A bunch of the Nuggets-TWolves series. Not exactly relaxing when Ant is trying to murder people with dunks

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Hallmark shows, so please keep writing them 👏🏻

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Makes perfect sense: calm, comforting, and easy to doze off during!

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I got that same cold from my wife, who got it from the author and like the storms that Bruce Janousek mentioned, it seemed to intensify as it passed through the family, or possibly I’m a wimp, but this thing kicked my butt. I went through more Kleenex than my sister uses watching a Hallmark marathon, and at one point used so much decongestant my sinuses almost turned inside out. Most painful headache I’ve had in years. I’m the other hand I did get to read Chain Gang All-Stars, a National Book Award Finalist recommended by the author (of this blog), and it was one of the most powerful and compelling things I’ve read in recent years. And I also got to finally catch up on all of the Strike Force Five podcasts made during the WGA/SAG strike. Episode 5 in which Jimmy Fallon attempts to create a quiz for the other hosts is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Do not listen while driving. You will have to pull over.

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Hey, I could have gotten this cold from Mom as easily as she got it from me...even though that's probably not what happened

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Absolutely true. And I certainly did not mean to imply that this entire thing, however it transpired, was a deliberate action on anyone's part. It's just the price you pay for being connected to people. And even a cold, when it's caught from someone you care about, is, in some sense a product of love. Which may be one of the most Jewish things I've ever said.

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Sleep is the ultimate for me. Books take too much effort & daytime TV is depressing. Sleep is the ultimate luxury.

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