Alternative titles: "Getting the Gang Back Together and Getting the Virus" or "Catching up and Catching Covid"

Ugh, how the hell did nobody else come down with omicron that night?!?

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Oh, damn, this is up there in my top five. Just wonderful. Forget high school, I've got a college reunion coming up this year that is a number which boggles my mind.

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Well said Will. I have great friends still from high school and before, many, many years in the past. Thank you zoom for that. Hopefully, as your years pass, you won't need a reunion to keep in touch with those closest to you. On the other hand, a reunion is a good excuse for a diet and a haircut.

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I love this piece. Wistful yet buoyant. It just floats along smartly in such relatable ways. Congrats, Will

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Went to my 50th HS reunion a while back. Everyone was friendly to everyone. The cliques were nonexistent. Discussions centered around kids, grand kids, retirement and commiserating over our ailments (a friend dubbed that the organ recital). Question is, why did it take us so long to become nice?

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