Do I do yoga? Only for the last 42 years. Not consistently, I admit, but I never go that long before I'm back to it. It has been a godsend, sometimes a pain in the ass godsend, but Lordy, you are right; when you do it, your body thanks you! And yes, it is easy to proselytize, as I believe I may have done to the author at certain points in the last few years. What a delightful surprise to find out he listened!

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I've been doing yoga for 20 years, and I...tolerate it because I know it's good for me. But I had to look up lizard pose. That was new to me.

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I’ve often thought about that if all else fails and I have to give up on my career, i’ll just be the white dude yogi with a man-bun and an intense passion for lentils that you know is secretly into the freaky stuff.

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I loooove yoga, especially if it’s REALLY HOT in the room where you’re doing it. Our apartment in the summer works

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I don’t do yoga but I see Steven as he twists and stretches. I feel more limber just watching him!

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i love yoga. so so much. even when i’m tired or hungover or lazy or grumpy or just not in the mood… it’s always a good idea.

it brings me joy that you too enjoy it. it’s a cult that truly wants nothing in return. namaste.

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Yoga is the truth and I've only just begun...

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I'll give it a try as long as I don't have to wear those pants!

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Ok ok I’ll go back to yoga! I stopped ten years ago and am really regretting it! Are you happy now? Geez!

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"You are old Father William, the young man said. And your hair has become very white. And yet you incessantly stand on your head--Do you think at your age it is right? In my youth Father William replied to his son, I feared it might injure the brain; But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again." Lewis Carroll

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i was that kid who played for hours on end and never had repercussions. then gravity and time started their party on my ass and by 40 i got my first hip replacement. now deep into my 60s, i am so inflexible that i can't do the simplest of yoga poses. lying flat on my back is too stressful. can i go back 50 years and tell myself to strengthen and stretch? nope. can i rely on modern medicine to come up with something as wonderful as a quaalude to take my pain away? nope. i'm screwed.

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