Yep, it reminds me of the experiment where they put a bunch of frogs into a beaker, and slowly raise the temperature until they boil: They don't perceive the mortal threat until it's too late. And the irony is that more people got worked up over the poor amphibians than the higher mammals who are being mowed down at a frightening pace. The solution has to be replacing the old, worn out, sold out politicians with new ones who aren't a wholey-owned subsidiary of corporate America. We all have the potential power to change course, if we can get over our less-crucial differences (like race and type of employment) and see ourselves as members of the same group: decent people who want to see a decent world, and leave it to our kids. I hope your followers are all among that category, because, what else can us older farts do but encourage you to carry on the struggle to be merely decent humans in all aspects of your lives. Be of courage, and good luck to you.

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This is really hard for me. And I feel so terribly powerless. I vote, I march, I protest, I donate, and still, children die.

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Will’s not-so-dumb brain.

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We live in strange and sad times. I feel especially bad that younger generations than mine don't have a world that makes sense anymore. My generation lived in the best of times and I am so sorry and saddened for what we are leaving your generation to to deal with..

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Oh, humanity. 😢

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My sadness is two fold. I'm heartbroken over the senseless killings. I'm equally saddened that this is a solvable problem that gets bogged down by misguided politics and ideology. Oh yeah, then there's the money.

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Sad, sad, sad.

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“Those politicians are the same ones who walk around with armed guards, who live in gated communities, and who work in the most tightly secured buildings in the country. Their lives aren’t touched by violence the same way everyone else’s are.” - Bingo.

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Hitting "Like" seems a bit weird, since you're (accurately) describing the hell we're living in, and there's very little to like about that. But I agree with everything you write about it, and everything you feel about it. We're the lobster in the pot, and as the water gets hotter, we don't seem to notice how much we're sweating. It never ends well for the lobster, and it's not looking great for us at the moment. The bad news is that humans being what we are, we always seem to wait until things get really bad before we do something. The good news is that it's getting really bad. So, as you've said in a past blog, EVERYBODY GET OUT AND SUPPORT GUN CONTROL CANDIDATES WITH YOUR VOTE!!

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Good piece. You should join the grammar/orthography police and effect real change.

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Well said, Will.

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Tough one to write but you are right on and I so deeply hope that your generation can force this change.

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Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! on this one, Will. I'd like to respond as I'm fearful of writing down my thoughts. Have to discern how to shut down Siri and Alexa before proceeding. "On Hitting Your Limit" is quite fine and tremendously insightful.

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