Texting/iMessage all the way! I've started using Paperless Post for events since you can just input everyone's phone number, and it'll text out all the invites. I can handle group texts for more casual situations- I just mute the thread if it starts getting out of hand LOL
First, you have to limit your friends. At a certain point this becomes easier because they start dying. Assuming some are still alive, I use email and over-invite because some (I'm talking to you, Gary Dontzig) can go weeks without checking their inbox. If I need to do some sort of fancy evite, I know a certain young millennial I can guilt into doing it for me.
Texting/iMessage all the way! I've started using Paperless Post for events since you can just input everyone's phone number, and it'll text out all the invites. I can handle group texts for more casual situations- I just mute the thread if it starts getting out of hand LOL
First, you have to limit your friends. At a certain point this becomes easier because they start dying. Assuming some are still alive, I use email and over-invite because some (I'm talking to you, Gary Dontzig) can go weeks without checking their inbox. If I need to do some sort of fancy evite, I know a certain young millennial I can guilt into doing it for me.