The term seond-screen viewing is new to me. I use it when watching MSNBC or local news because 100% intake attention is too depressing. Also, I have to be ready to troll any dick that gets exposed on MSNBC. It's my patriotic duty. As for subtitles, that's just a function of age for us. ;)

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Our local film festival features close to 300 films many with subtitles. I have learned to enjoy them and take the subtitling in stride. Unfortunately many of the films from the UK don't have them and they're needed. As an aside. I highly recommend Mark Duplass' film, Language Lessons, which very successfully employs subtitles and English in a very good movie.

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I'm guilty of second-screening sometimes, but NEVER while reading WDB 😤

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Love this one. From the complainers about that new-fangled fire to the helpful (and apropos) Simpson’s illustration. I do double screen during baseball season, and now that Aaron Rodgers is gone, I’ll probably be doing it when the Packers are on. I don’t think I’ve triple screened yet, and when certain high level or high drama shows or movies are on - Succession, Silence Of The Lambs - I will give them the respect they deserve and shut everything else off. As for subtitles, I could pretend I only use them for foreign films (you’re right, terrible name; I suggest “unAmerican”) but like Korby I find they help with dialogue at this point in life - although maybe all I need is a good sound bar. Sure, that’s my problem.

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i definitely second screen although the frequency changes depending on what i'm watching. reruns of frasier will often have me playing a game on my phone. i watched detachment last night and i gave it my full attention almost all the way through.

commercials always rate a second screen. sometimes i even minimize the show ON MY PHONE and second screen on the same screen.

as for subtitles? they are my bae and i will always choose subtitles if they are available. i do not like them on live sports shows though.

i figure second-screening is probably not ideal from an attention standpoint but my TBR and TBW piles are as high as jack's beanstalk so what else can i do?

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