Like you, I'm not a big fan of organized religion - weird, isn't it? That you, who grew up in the same house I did, sharing meals, bedtime stories, catches in the backyard or on the front lawn, should end up having the same spiritual values I do. Anyhoo, yes, some higher power, anthropomorphic or not; I'd like to believe it, but I choose to attempt to live my life as if the answer was a definite yes, not for some reward in a hypothetical afterlife but because I want to live in a world where kindness, empathy, decency, charity, are the predominant human traits. One of the things I do like about Judaism, the religion I was born into, and the one Hitler and the Proud Boys would consider me irrevocably attached to, is that it doesn't talk much about an afterlife. You're supposed to do the right thing here and now to make life better for your fellow human. And by extension, for you. And then, if after you kick the bucket you do get a pat on the back from some elderly bearded guy with a voice like Morgan Freeman, or some twinkly grandmother with a Betty White vibe, hey, that'll just be gravy!

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Yup, weird how I think your view, which is also my view, is so well thought out and reasonable! Cool how that works!

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I needed this today. Thanks for embracing my weird topic and my weird movie. I think you’re right, it is pretty much all random, but then sometimes the stars align and you make a friend and that friend writes essays and years later there’s one for you that says exactly what you need to hear. And it doesn’t make you feel small but big. big, because in all the randomness of a life there’s someone who cares for you and you’re grateful for whatever forces brought them into your life.

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The topic was good and the movie is even better! Glad the essay came when you needed it! Love you brother, immensely proud of you and your film.

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Enjoyed the guest writer...for what it is worth, I am religious...I am a Episcopalian, which is the sort of religion that while being deeply Christian ..does not look at the Bible as a literal guide of what to do, nor assumes every historical event is correctly covered..I used to say that Episcopalian Priest could be heard or imagined to say.."OK, Jesus..who was he ? son of god, god incarnate..just a great prophet who cared about the poor...Discuss"...( I also like that my particular denomimation was very early on women priests and gay bishops..) But, I am a believer in the "mystery of faith" as the saying goes...I am not sure I have been " born again"..but, I do think things like " true love" likely had some divine help..just not certain such emotions developed from primordial ooze.. I also fully understand folks who aren't religious..or even spirtual....Finally, I do get upset with folks who go to the other extreme and recount just the damage that religous wars and the like have caused, without also pointing out the amazing work that religious institutions and folks do globally to help the disadvantaged...

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I went to an Episcopalian grade school and learned all about it and as far as sects of Christianity goes, it's one of my favorites, right up there with the Jesuits. Any sect that puts learning, love, peace, and equality at the top of its priorities is cool with me.

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🖤 maybe my favorite essay yet!

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Awwwww! Thank you!!

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Terrific take. And great topic.

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Thank you!

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I can't stop thinking about how many wars, how much oppression, how much racism, how much misogyny, how many have died in one way or another, IN GOD's NAME! If, by some remote chance, there is a God, he/she/they/them certainly wouldn't condone any of this shit.

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Yeah, like most things, humans are very good at taking noble ideas and concepts and turning them into profits for some and suffering for others.

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Exactly!!!!!!!! 💥🎯👍🏻

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Glad my ramblings rung true!

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This essay was phenomenal. I read it twice.

A HUGE thank you for the movie shoutout!

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