So much of trying to be a grownup is making good decisions: going to bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying up all night mindlessly scrolling, getting a little fresh air and exercise instead of taking a second nap that day, eating fruits and vegetables instead of only scarfing carbs.
Hysterical. Not only did you pick the food item I was going to offer, but you captured the essence of this delicious but diabolical fruit better than I could! Nice job! You, too, WDB! A delight, even if bananas creep me out.
Did you know if wrap the tops in plastic they last waaaaay longer? Amazing what you learn while mindlessly scrolling, post second nap, binging high fructose carbs. Also apparently you can read essays and watch little movies too. Who needs adult life?
This is genius ! This has been a lifelong love hate relationship with bananas. So good and yet so fraught with downside. I have to add that I hate throwing food out and with these slimy bastards you must make a special trip to the outside trash lest you suffer the dreaded fruit fly infestation. Will you nailed this one!
Regarding bananas, Jackie likes them green. I'm fine with borderline over ripe. Compatibility personified. That said, the majority of our bananas end up in the compost bin so I guess compatibility has it limits.
As your Dad can no doubt verify, Groucho Marx had a great quote about bananas. In these days of factory farms, imported produce and supermarket brinksmanship, the lifespans of anything unprocessed are almost unpredictable, and often surprising. We've had melons that went from thumping rock hard to total mush seemingly overnight. Organic salad greens composted themselves in the fridge behind the milk carton. The struggle to eat a balanced diet becomes harder all the time as life becomes more complex and life seems to consume all of your ability to stop and smell the onions. As usual, having the ability to convert the daily dilemmas into thoughtful essays is a step towards sanity in the kitchen (and comfort in the commode). Be comforted by the knowledge that your digestive system can handle just about anything you throw at it, and if you can afford to go sustainable, you're doing yourself and your planet some good. In any case, banana bread is one of the more delightful ways of turning natures' inevitable decay into culinary art. Try it with hot fudge and whipped cream (organic, non-GMO of course).
Avocado: not ripe
Avocado: not ripe
Avocado: not ripe
Avocado: I'M RIPE NOW!
Avocado: okay you were in the bathroom so I rotted.
yeah those bags of multiple avocados are just a scam to sell you future compost. No way you're getting through more than one MAYBE two of them!
Hysterical. Not only did you pick the food item I was going to offer, but you captured the essence of this delicious but diabolical fruit better than I could! Nice job! You, too, WDB! A delight, even if bananas creep me out.
One of your best, Will. And the short film was really good, too. Thanks for recommending it.
Thanks for reading and for watching!
And I loved the short! And the two people who made it!
Did you know if wrap the tops in plastic they last waaaaay longer? Amazing what you learn while mindlessly scrolling, post second nap, binging high fructose carbs. Also apparently you can read essays and watch little movies too. Who needs adult life?
Bananas are weird.
This is genius ! This has been a lifelong love hate relationship with bananas. So good and yet so fraught with downside. I have to add that I hate throwing food out and with these slimy bastards you must make a special trip to the outside trash lest you suffer the dreaded fruit fly infestation. Will you nailed this one!
Regarding bananas, Jackie likes them green. I'm fine with borderline over ripe. Compatibility personified. That said, the majority of our bananas end up in the compost bin so I guess compatibility has it limits.
As your Dad can no doubt verify, Groucho Marx had a great quote about bananas. In these days of factory farms, imported produce and supermarket brinksmanship, the lifespans of anything unprocessed are almost unpredictable, and often surprising. We've had melons that went from thumping rock hard to total mush seemingly overnight. Organic salad greens composted themselves in the fridge behind the milk carton. The struggle to eat a balanced diet becomes harder all the time as life becomes more complex and life seems to consume all of your ability to stop and smell the onions. As usual, having the ability to convert the daily dilemmas into thoughtful essays is a step towards sanity in the kitchen (and comfort in the commode). Be comforted by the knowledge that your digestive system can handle just about anything you throw at it, and if you can afford to go sustainable, you're doing yourself and your planet some good. In any case, banana bread is one of the more delightful ways of turning natures' inevitable decay into culinary art. Try it with hot fudge and whipped cream (organic, non-GMO of course).
great advice and I couldn't agree more with the sentiments! Thanks!
Great, now go out and get yourself a banana split.
Pro tip: When the banana turns the precise color you want, toss that baby in the fridge and it'll stay that way for several extra days.
- a big-time banana connoisseur