I ordered the book based on your recommendation. I love well-written science fiction. My old eyes require the Kindle version. now - I do miss having a real book in my hands. Looking forward to this excellent read.

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Oh boy! I hope you like it and I hope you'll leave a comment somewhere once you've read it either celebrating it or telling me I have shit taste!

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Loved this one. And particularly the way it jumped from the specifics of recommending one thing to the general experience of recommending anything. It's true. When something exhilarates us, moves us, we want to share it, and if they don't like it, it's kind of like some core part of us is being rejected. But when they do, it's so sweet. The author has recommended a number of things to me that I have loved ("Trust" immediately comes to mind) and I think I may have recommended at least a couple books or movies or albums he liked, though I could be wrong. I usually get, at best, a "yeah, it was okay." But I have recommended things to contemporaries and gotten that rush of joy when they responded positively. The books, "Hamnet" and "Wolf Hall," the movie, "In Bruges," the series, "Slow Horses." I've had my rejections, too. "Slow Horses" was not universally loved. And even though I tried, I don't think I'm jumping on the "Fallout" bandwagon. You just have to put yourself out there, both to recommend and to give things a shot. And if nothing, not one single thing you ever recommend gets a positive response from a particular person, and nothing they recommend tickles your fancy, maybe it's time to examine that relationship?

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Very true and your track record of recommendations is really good, you just have to factor in all the stuff you made me watch and read before I had agency as a human, like Calvin and Hobbes and Lord of the Rings. Also I wouldn't have read Lonesome Dove without your recommendation and that is one of my all time favs...in fact I've been thinking it might be time to read it again soon!

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Will, I had to write because I too have just read -- or rather listened to -- Project Hail Mary. It was recommended by my son, who is about your age and also a writer like you, and my husband, daughter, and I listened to it on a 3-week road trip we took from CA to Texas and back for the solar eclipse. It took us several days to get through it because we only listened when we were driving, but it sure made the drive more entertaining!

There were some highly scientific parts that I might have skimmed or skipped entirely if I had been reading an actual book, but since we were listening, we couldn't do that. And my husband, who has a scientific bent, enjoyed those parts even if they caused my daughter and me to doze a little.

Anyway, great book! And I keep feeling that you and my son should get to know each other, if you don't already. Maybe we could pursue that offline.

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What wonderful timing! So glad you liked it too!

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yup, absolute banger. read it in one sitting (which included some eating and sleeping too). same thing happened to me with ender's game and the girl with the dragon tattoo.

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There really is no feeling better than ripping through a book in record time

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Instantly put this on my list. Word of mouth is always powerful, in any entertainment field. So read it I shall. As far as reccomendations, going left field, there are some tremendous graphic novels these days. The blend of words and pictures from a distinctive voice can be quite powerful. If you like crime stuff, anything by Ed Brubaker. Otherwise, Blankets is an amazing coming-of-age story. Start exploring the graphic novels on Amazon and you'll be amazed by the breadth and scope. I guarantee you'll find something that'll interest you.

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