Apr 9Liked by Will Peterman

I absolutely love this one. And believe in its message down to my bones. I try to do a daily meditation, often when walking our wonderful dog, or sometimes sitting in our backyard or in our living room looking out at our yard. And when I do I try to stop my brain from hamster spinning on the wheel of all the shit I’m obsessing over, by looking up at the clouds drifting by, the treetops swaying in the breeze, the flowers and flowering bushes I’m lucky enough to have in my neighborhood. And the more I do this, the more I feel, if only for a little while, gratitude for what is surrounding me right now, at this moment. It doesn’t magically solve all the problems, but yes, it does give me a boost and a reminder of exactly what you write about. And being open to what can happen when you get out of your brain allows for all kind of little miracles and gifts from the universe. Yesterday I was feeling achy and generally blah, but I summoned the energy to go to the market because I’d promised to make dinner for a change. As I was wandering through the produce section thinking about how I wish they sold individual Advil, I saw a woman with a sweet looking dog, a medium sized mutt that kind of looked like a mix of German Shepherd and…Pit?…Beagle? Anyway, I asked the woman if I could pet her dog and she said yes. I reached down and Layla jumped up to my chest and started licking my face like I was the owner she had been separated from for years. The woman laughed and said, you must like big dogs (I do!) and Layla just couldn’t stop loving me up. Made me feel like one of the world’s most special people. Brightened up my whole day. A reminder that, as you say, there’s lots of people places things and dogs in the world that are pretty damn good!

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Apr 10Liked by Will Peterman

Yes, yes, yes - truth! But what the hell is “Skibidi toilet”?

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Apr 10Liked by Will Peterman

Yes! My version is sitting in the sun.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Will Peterman

I look at "touch some grass" as a call to arms (or maybe legs). We just returned from 10 weeks in Mexico where we watched a total of 1 hour of television. Phones were primarily used for (wait for it) phone calls. That's not to say there was no surfing, but only minutes a day. We focused on experiences not information gathering from third parties. It was delightful. We highly recommend it. Now comes the true test...continuing the practice. Stay tuned.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Will Peterman

Worried about your Dad and Layla??? This is pitch perfect but is a bit different for me. As a warrior I am more inclined to the Russel Crowe thing of rubbing my hands with dirt from Gladiator. Grounds me before the battle. Sadly, at an age where battles are fewer and father between so the scooped dirt mostly just calms me and clears the mechanism for me. Still it matters! It matters a lot! Thanks Will

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Apr 10Liked by Will Peterman

I had never heard the phrase before. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Watching our granddaughter means we get a lot of park time now, so we touch a lot of grass. I love it!

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Apr 9Liked by Will Peterman

Sunlight and trees do it for me. Makes me feel small and insignificant in the most comforting ways.

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