Every year I tell myself I’m going to write off all this shit all year long and then taxes come around, I kept track of none of it and take the bare minimum cause i’m not an accountant. It’s weird… like maybe the system is built to help rich people and bone poor people? Who knows. Maybe I should keep my receipts …

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Wait I can’t use TurboTax anymore? What am I paying taxes for.

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I love paying taxes, the government takes only what is needed, spends all of what is collected on only the projects they stated! You never have to be concerned that any of those funds get redirected to benefit those it shouldn’t! Hummm!! BTW I’ll take that kidney you don’t need!

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I shouldn't have to pay taxes until Donald Trump does!

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kidney vs. Billionaires: brilliant. But I still think you should love bees

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Another brilliant complaining critiquing comedy…ing take on a controversial subject! I nominate you to be in charge of dispensing our hard earned tax dollars to the projects you deem worthy. You are the philosopher king we’ve been waiting for.

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Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads...

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Well done, Will! You, for one, do not TURBOSUCK.

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