First of, yes, major congrats on establishing your own Lou Gehrig streak of essays! That is a huge accomplishment. Second, I have no idea where you came up with this fictional father and his “poor me” routine. I understand you need to heighten things for comedic effect but I think it’s important your readers know that this Peterman never missed one single day of work because of illness on any show I’ve been on, and one of the only days I did miss was when the author of “On an S.O. With a cold “ took 39 hours at St Joseph’s Hospital to make his first appearance in the world. So if anybody in the family likes to make a big deal of physical things like colds, or births, I suggest that author take a little look in the mirror. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a slight chill and I need to put on a heavier sweater. And maybe my lovely wife will make me some tea…Oh, Susan…

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Will, for such a young guy, you have it down when it comes to the gender delineations of illness. We women, we were not coddled as much as our hairier counterparts. So we always knew we had to suck it up. By the time we are married, or in long-term relationships, the patterns are set. We roll our eyes at our partners, whose runny noses render them inoperative. But our problem is that we grit our teeth and become a little innerly pissed off. (Is innerly a word?) And so you have on one side a martyr with anger issues and on the other, a whiney child. I think you are the guy to take the new generation to a better, higher level. GO!

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1. Congratulations on a whole year of terrific essays. So proud of your commitment to your writing!❤️

2. Men just suck at being sick! You’re right Brenda, must be that pesky Y chromosome. But what we do without you Y’s? Who would take the Christmas lights down from the house? I’m not climbing up that ladder!

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Will, Now you know what that “Y” chromosome in men is for. It’s the “You could get me some water, if you don’t mind.” Or “You could make me some soup…” chromosome. Hope your girlfriend is better soon. 😎

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Congratulations on a years worth of essays!

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Denial is my M.O. when symptoms arise. I'm fine. I'm always fine. Even when I'm not. Unless , of course, being ill can be an advantage (relieve me of my of chores or attending a gathering that I'm not interested in). Flexibility is the key when when my nose runs.

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Those Irish girls. They’re tough!

GRATEFUL that you are so caring, and really glad that you tested for Moon fever.

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Your father, my brother has been a hypochondriac since he was born. (Just ask Grandma if you don't believe me.) Unfortunately, he never learned to "suffer in silence."

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