I really don’t understand the desire to play a sport (?) that frustrates one to the point of madness. And if one survives the round, without a violent outburst, the need to analyze, hole by bloody hole, the whole exasperating experience. Written by a golf widow!
Golf for me is like Oscar Wilde's definition of second marriages: The triumph of hope over experience. But it's four hours or more in a beautiful setting, it's camaraderie, mild to vigorous exercise (depending on topography and how far you throw your clubs - extra points for throwing the bag) and every once in a while, the sheer joy of hitting a shot as pure as anyone could. Plus the beer after.
Ooof so sorry about the mean Russian lady. If you’d like, we can recreate that moment (but I’ll be the one screaming in Russian) and you can tell her all that you think of her!!
I’ve only played golf once - at a top golf so it wasn’t even the “right way” and it was super difficult and super frustrating. Oddly reminded me of playing pool.
I realized a long time that if I only enjoyed the rounds when I played well, then the game was a waste of time. Now I focus on comradery, the beautiful surroundings and, hopefully, the one shot in the round that makes me feel like a player. Thankfully I seem to still be able to come up with that one shot per round.
Thanks Will. Now I understand why I opted out of golf this Thursday - I don’t like it when my blood boils and that’s usually what I experience at least 3 or 4 tars per round.
But I’ll be back at it twice a week very soon - explain that please
There will be a longer list of mean old ladies and men of many types….don’t let them get you down—they don’t define you! Brilliant piece as always! Thanks for sharing!
Someone, I think W.C. Fields, said: "Golf is a helluva way to ruin a good walk." On the other hand, learning humility, perseverance and self-control (hint) are not such a bad thing in a world that calls for plenty of all of those virtues. It may be more expensive than meditation (or not), but it's probably a lot more fun.
I really don’t understand the desire to play a sport (?) that frustrates one to the point of madness. And if one survives the round, without a violent outburst, the need to analyze, hole by bloody hole, the whole exasperating experience. Written by a golf widow!
Golf for me is like Oscar Wilde's definition of second marriages: The triumph of hope over experience. But it's four hours or more in a beautiful setting, it's camaraderie, mild to vigorous exercise (depending on topography and how far you throw your clubs - extra points for throwing the bag) and every once in a while, the sheer joy of hitting a shot as pure as anyone could. Plus the beer after.
Ooof so sorry about the mean Russian lady. If you’d like, we can recreate that moment (but I’ll be the one screaming in Russian) and you can tell her all that you think of her!!
I’ve only played golf once - at a top golf so it wasn’t even the “right way” and it was super difficult and super frustrating. Oddly reminded me of playing pool.
Forget golf, reading your story is painful enough! Phooey to the old lady!
I realized a long time that if I only enjoyed the rounds when I played well, then the game was a waste of time. Now I focus on comradery, the beautiful surroundings and, hopefully, the one shot in the round that makes me feel like a player. Thankfully I seem to still be able to come up with that one shot per round.
Oops! ...a long time ago...
Thanks Will. Now I understand why I opted out of golf this Thursday - I don’t like it when my blood boils and that’s usually what I experience at least 3 or 4 tars per round.
But I’ll be back at it twice a week very soon - explain that please
There will be a longer list of mean old ladies and men of many types….don’t let them get you down—they don’t define you! Brilliant piece as always! Thanks for sharing!
Forget golf, reading your story is painful enough! Phooey to the old lady!
Someone, I think W.C. Fields, said: "Golf is a helluva way to ruin a good walk." On the other hand, learning humility, perseverance and self-control (hint) are not such a bad thing in a world that calls for plenty of all of those virtues. It may be more expensive than meditation (or not), but it's probably a lot more fun.