Because I suffer from a small bladder and have to pee about every 30 mins I have no choice but to find a bathroom everywhere I go. I have fun looking at people’s products though so it’s usually an overall enjoyable time
Love this one! I always try to go before I go, but if I found I’ve miscalculated and all I’m getting at the party are vague directions, I follow the “knock before you enter” rule. Like you, I think there should be an open door to a lighted room, or at the very least, a scotch taped sign reading BATHROOM. If not, it’s your fault if I walk into your sex dungeon.
This post reminds me how lucky I was as a kid. Every house on our block and most others in our neighborhood were identical. Now, particularly in my geriatric years, bathroom reconnaissance has literally become job number 1.
There is always that one house where the bathrooms are hidden in the bedroom en-suite and you feel like you’re intruding or snooping or doing something nefarious when looking for it!!
Because I suffer from a small bladder and have to pee about every 30 mins I have no choice but to find a bathroom everywhere I go. I have fun looking at people’s products though so it’s usually an overall enjoyable time
Very good post, although you lost me at "you're going to a party."
Love this one! I always try to go before I go, but if I found I’ve miscalculated and all I’m getting at the party are vague directions, I follow the “knock before you enter” rule. Like you, I think there should be an open door to a lighted room, or at the very least, a scotch taped sign reading BATHROOM. If not, it’s your fault if I walk into your sex dungeon.
This post reminds me how lucky I was as a kid. Every house on our block and most others in our neighborhood were identical. Now, particularly in my geriatric years, bathroom reconnaissance has literally become job number 1.
This one was just dang funny. You're welcome to use our bathroom any time you want (not after midnight or before 7:00 AM unless it's an emergency)
There is always that one house where the bathrooms are hidden in the bedroom en-suite and you feel like you’re intruding or snooping or doing something nefarious when looking for it!!